When it comes to futsal and soccer players it is vital that they have speed, agility, strength, stamina and an explosive energy to last a 40 minute or 90 minute game. Training is essential and knowing what the best gym workouts are to reach your full potential can be a struggle.


But not to worry, here are the best gym workouts for futsal and soccer players, whether you are a professional or just a hobbyist – you can not beat these!


Front and Side Pillars


This workout targets your core and improves your balance. You need to complete reps of both front and side pillars.


Front Pillar


Lay down on the floor with your stomach facing down and position yourself into a plank position. Your elbows should be on the ground and your forearms ahead of you.


Your ear, shoulder, hip and ankle should be in a straight line, ensuring that your head and torso are aligned.


Squeeze your glutes for maximum effect on your and concentrate on your breathing. Proceed to lift one leg at a time and hold it for a few seconds – do not forget to alternate between both of your legs.


Side Pillar


The side pillar is very similar to the front pillar, you are just rotated slightly. Begin by laying on your side with your right or left elbow down on the ground. While you are resting on your forearm be sure that your elbow sits under your shoulder.


Remember to keep your body in a straight line from your head to your feet. Now lift your right leg if you are on your right elbow, vice versa. Hold your leg in the air for a few seconds and then return to your beginning position. Now do the other side.




A classic squat is essential to a futsal/soccer player. It builds strength and prevents injuries that can occur.


When it comes to getting the most out of this workout you should place two small plates under your heels. This greatly reduces pressure on your patellar tendon and helps to target your quads.


Now carefully bend your knees until your posterior is level with them. Do not forget to keep your back straight and your head facing forward.


TIP 1: Utilize a barbell. Have it resting on your upper back when you squat down. Ensure your form is correct.


TIP 2: Utilize two dumbbells. Have them at your sides. Try to take no more than a second down and rise as quickly as possible.


TIP 3: Try out a single leg squat. These are great for improving power and speed. Stand on one foot and hold your other leg out in front of you. Try to hold the leg out in front of you as close to your hip height as you can get.


Use your arms to help balance you as you squat down and hold the position for a second before rising back to your starting position.


Hamstring Falls

Perfect for your legs, glutes, hamstring and core.


Use a bar/pole/other gym equipment or a partner to secure your feet/ankles. Make sure it is sturdy enough to prevent you from falling flat on your face, we would not want that, now would we.


To begin, start with your knees down on the ground. Your back should be straight with your arms at your sides. Make sure your ankles are secure so you do not hurt yourself. Fall forward, be sure to control the descent using your muscles and hamstring for as long as possible.


Catch yourself by putting your hands out, then push up with your hands to return back to the kneeling position.


Weighted Sled Drags


This workout is great for improving your strength, speed and power.


Attach a harness to your torso that connects to a weighted sled. Fair warning, it is best to start off light – if the weight is too heavy it will impede on your ability to sprint.


Lean forward and start with small steps, pulling the sled along behind you as you slowly pick up speed. Begin to run with longer strides, Go for a short distance and then repeat. YOu can gradually increase weight and distance to constantly improve your skills.


Overhead Press


As a futsal/soccer player you need to constantly improve your core strength, as well as your upper body – the Overhead Press addresses this.


Bein with your feet roughly hip width apart. Hold the dumbbells with your palms facing each other resting on shoulders . Slowly and carefully push your dumbbells up towards the ceiling. Once you reach your maximum height squeeze your shoulder muscles and hold for a second. The slowly return to your starting position.


Ensure you have proper posture with your shoulders back and down away from your ears. Keep your back straight and abs engaged.


3 Way Lunges


3 Way Lunges are great for targeting speed, strength and agility.


Begin with your upper body straight, shoulders back and your chin upwards. Step forward with your hands on your hips into a lunge. Your front knee should stay over your laces and your back knee does not touch the ground.


Then return to the start position. Step out to the side into a lateral lunge, keep your chest up and eyes forward and return to the beginning position. Step backward into a reverse lunge and return. After doing all 3 with one leg repeat the same steps with the other leg.


Burpee Pull Ups


If you need to improve your stamina and endurance this is the exercise for you.


Stand under a pull up bar with your feet shoulder width apart. You need to position both hands on the floor in front of you. Now, quickly kick your legs back so that your stomach, thighs and toes are all touching the floor while your elbows are bent.


Use your triceps to do a push up lifting your hips up so you can bring your legs up, so your feet are tucked up under you. Stand and jump being sure to grab the bar above you. Immediately pull yourself up until your chin is just above the bar. The drop back down to your starting position and repeat.


Lateral Band Walks


This particular exercise prevents injury from muscle fatigue, overstretching and that dreaded oncoming of an opponent’s boot.


Place a resistance band around your legs just above your knees. With your knees slightly bent and your feet shoulder width apart, slowly step to the side. keep your toes pointed forward. After completing the step, follow with the opposite leg.


To maintain tension in the band keep your feet at least shoulder width apart . after 5-6 steps forward, move in the opposite direction and step backwards.


Medicine Ball Push Ups


Perfect for targeting your core and balance, Medicine Ball Push Ups are vital to any futsal/soccer players gym routine.


Rest both of your hands on the medicine ball on the floor in front of you. Move into a push up position with your hands still on the ball under your chest and your toes touching the floor.


Slowly lower yourself with your arms so that your chest touches the ball. Then push yourself back up into a starting position.


Trap Bar Deadlifts


Your muscle as a futsal/soccer player is important and you need to improve strength and decrease injuries. Trap Bar Deadlifts are a great exercise as it puts less stress on your spine and back muscles.


Stand in the center of the trap bar, your knees should be shoulder width apart. Now, lower your hips and grab both of the handles.


Keep your head facing forward and your chest up. Be carefully and stand up with the weight, using your heels to push up. As you rise, push your hips forward as you reach the top of your movement.


Finally, lower down to starting position and repeat.


Bench Press


Improves your upper body strength and power.


Lie down on the flat bench with the bar resting on the rack above your eyes. It is best to have some nearby just in case.


Grab the bar with both hands, making sure you have a good proper grip and straight wrists – we do not want any injuries. Now, unrack the bar and move the bar over your shoulders. Gently, push the bar to your chest while keeping your forearms vertical. Push up and lift the bar from your chest straight into the air locking your elbows at the top and repeat.


Kettlebell Swings


This exercise works out many areas and improves your explosive power movements.


Start with the kettlebell on the floor between your feet. Make sure your feet are about shoulder width apart. Now bend your knees and get into a squat like position.


Pick up the kettlebell with both hands and use your legs, glutes and your hips as you swing the kettlebell between your legs and bring it up to eye level. Make sure you use your legs and hips to push the movements. Now, repeat.


HIIT On A Treadmill


HIIT (High INtensity Interval Training) improves endurance and speed.


Jump on a treadmill and set the incline to 1% (you can increase this over time). Now, gradually increase your speed to a gentle run for approximately 10 minutes.


Continue to increase speed and once you have reached your medium effort, run for approximately 5 minutes.


Now on the final increase once you reach your max speed, pump it out for 30 seconds and then return to a jog for 3 minutes. Your can repeat this multiple time and increase duration, incline and speed over time for constant improvement.


Single Leg Hurdle Hops


This targets your power and muscle strength.


Linear Hops

Begin by balancing on one leg and hop forward over a hurdle. Be sure to land softly with your hips down and back. Your knee should be over your ankle when you land. Before hopping again you need to stabilize yourself.


Lateral Hops


Start with your feet together while your knees and hips are slightly bent. Hop sideways over the hurdle and be sure to land softly and stabilize. While doing this exercise hop over the hurdles in both directions to target various muscles.


Tip: Make sure you work both legs equally, you need bilateral strength as you spend a game on one leg or the others


Lateral Hurdles Sprints


This exercise improves agility, footwork and balance which is vital to an futsal/soccer player, especially during an intense game.


Place a mini hurdle on the floor each side of your body. Lift your right leg and quickly step out to the right hurdle.


The follow through with your left foot. Move your left foot back over to the middle with your right foot following. Then repeat on the left hurdle. Try to keep up a high pace and work both sides equally.


Forward Backward Sprints


Perfect for targeting your agility, endurance and balance.


Make sure there is a small section of space free where you will not bother anyone for this exercise.Sprint forward and come to a stop. Once you have come to a stop, then proceed to sprint backwards to your beginning point.


TIP: This exercise is also great to do laterally. Sprint sideways to the right and come to a complete stop. The sprint back to your beginning point.


Dumbbell Bench Step Ups


Improves your strength, speed and power for an overall workout.


Stand next to a bench and hold a pair of dumbbells by your sides. Do not pick dumbbells that are too heavy – you can always increase the weight later on.


Place one of your feet on to the bench and extend your leg until it is straight. This should push your body off of the ground.


Keep your other foot elevated and hold the position for two seconds before returning to the starting position. Repeat on both legs equally.


Walking Lunges


This exercise is perfect for improving flexibility in the joints and improving strength and explosive movement.


Find some space in your gym and lunge forward to complete twelve lunges for each leg. While doing your lunges you should be holding two dumbbells at your sides and remember to keep your spine straight.


Take long strides that really stretches out your muscles. Make sure your trailing knee finishes level with your trailing ankle at the bottom of the rep, and then drive upwards explosively.


You should aim for approximately two seconds of lowering into the lunge and one second bursting out of it and into the next rep.


Do Not Forget To Prepare


Before you start any exercises you should always remember to prepare your body. Stretches and warm ups are essential in preventing injuries and tensed muscles.


Here are a few examples you should always include:


  • High knees


  • Squats


  • Lunges


  • Shoulder rotations


  • Neck rotations


  • Hip rotations


  • Skipping rope


  • Treadmill